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发表于 7-30 12:02:49
APG的意见看来越来越被重视了% V2 r5 w" k& g
$ }. V7 {- A7 X! O6 ^- n: ]% t( d. _Some organizations such as Hotels, Restaurants, Education Centers, Consultants, Public Services, among others, perform monitoring and measuring activities utilizing as “monitoring or measuring devices” surveys, examination papers, questionnaires, statistical reports, etc, due to the nature of their product. 9 L' t+ Y% n1 d$ C) X, z8 ^5 t
像旅馆、饭店、教育机构、咨询服务机构、公共服务机构这样的一些组织,根据其产品的性质,采用调查表、试卷、调查问卷、统计报告等作为“监视或测量装置”来实施监视和测量活动。, ~ _6 j8 R8 `
! v4 N( K! D) {( ~* O+ _ NThese “devices” should be controlled and validated accordingly to ensure that they provide consistent means of monitoring and measurement of the processes, product/service and customer satisfaction.
1 V! \. j$ _5 Y" t" g- W, m 这些“装置”应当受控,并得到相应的确认,以确保它们作为过程、产品/服务及顾客满意度的监视和测量手段的一致性。
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* a" q9 b5 C% G# a4 W( r: Y" K; IIt is appropriate to address these “devices” whilst auditing conformance with clause 8.2 “Monitoring and Measurement”. If an organization can demonstrate appropriate controls of such devices under this clause, an auditor needs to realize that not all the requirements related to Clause 7.6 may be applicable for such “devices”. % b- H) B( f4 n4 B4 K# M
适宜的做法是在审核条款 8.2“监视和测量”的符合情况时,关注这些“装置”的受控情况。如果组织能够证明按照该条款对这些“装置”进行了适当的控制,审核员需要意识到,并非所有与条款7.6 相关的要求都适用于这些“装置”。$ ?. V! ?& k F4 C! s
5 s: D9 y7 @* U8 P/ K7 M4 }5 h) A( iThe auditor needs to understand how the organization performs process control and the impact that the information, obtained from using these “devices”, has on this process control. 2 H M9 y, z0 d
审核员需要理解组织是如何实施过程控制的,以及通过这些“装置”获得的信息对上述过程控制的影响。' n6 {0 e* c0 e# A. p) F, r
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