Some organizations such as Hotels, Restaurants, Education Centers, Consultants, Public8 p# x! W4 ?- }% h, v( s/ ? _
Services, among others, perform monitoring and measuring activities utilizing as
$ Y' H4 c1 p( ~+ S8 F% }, g“monitoring or measuring equipment” surveys, examination papers, questionnaires, statistical' d% ^& q/ n) N5 J: x! J( ?
reports, etc, due to the nature of their product.
% y/ I1 \! K$ U. iThese types of “equipment” should be controlled and validated accordingly to ensure& _2 T [" C% ]; X* v* `) r
that they provide consistent means of monitoring and measurement of the processes,9 }: O" q4 u+ t. g( R
product/service and customer satisfaction.! o, l4 F3 O3 [
It is appropriate to address these types of “equipment” whilst auditing conformance with
2 ~5 [ s; g8 s6 Eclause 8.2 “Monitoring and Measurement”. If an organization can demonstrate appropriate; S m9 ?$ a4 R; n$ @# t
controls of such “equipment” under this clause, an auditor needs to realize that not
2 ^: `; m+ f% k1 S$ j) O! ~all the requirements related to Clause 7.6 may be applicable for such “equipment”.
" w p; K6 E9 M2 tThe auditor needs to understand how the organization performs process control and the
0 F- T' R( [( j! d% @% Timpact that the information, obtained from using these types of “equipment”, has on this
- [/ |: ? v* [3 ]process control.* r: _2 K8 t6 b- T( T
When the impact is relevant, auditors should evaluate issues such as:' ?; J) T, H$ |5 l, W
- How the organization validates that “the monitoring and measuring equipment” is% f9 |2 }) j9 Z" t8 }8 q5 _9 o! H
consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements.
+ P* O2 Q% |! j" X! d6 ~# ~% N- How the organization assures the information validity and the consistency of the7 L* I0 W: T6 T |4 \* y
5 k# j& M- C; S* `- The competence of those responsible for using “the monitoring and measuring. Z R* I* {. i1 U" M) e1 l
+ C" d/ S* @' q$ N6 p' `8 {From the description above, the organization should be able to decide whether or not all' Y7 {* g8 {$ K; j, l B% s9 y/ ?
or part of the requirements of clause 7.6 may be excluded. It is stressed that just because5 t! F0 @2 c* f1 i/ H
an organization does not have measuring equipment that needs to be calibrated
) H* E$ h) k4 _: w0 i* _does not mean that it can automatically exclude compliance with the whole of clause4 {; j2 U- O: e9 I7 o5 e5 S
7.6; to do so would require that it also does not do any monitoring or measurement (see particularly the first two paragraphs of clause 7.6) and that it does not use any monitoring# ~8 h- P8 m3 W0 G
or measuring equipment. |