+ s3 t }- h6 }. o, {1 U& C I既然你这白痴脑残一再坚持6.3中的“process equipment 过程设备”就是特指“生产和服务提供过程需用的各种独立装置”。下面本爷给你把ISO/TC176/SC2最新发布的ISO9001/CD稿中有关Infrastructure基础设施一段的原文贴出来,你可以请你那懂英文的傻儿子给你翻译成中文,看看注解b)equipment including hardware and software中的“equipment”是否还是特指“生产和服务提供过程需用的各种独立装置”?7 y; f, w- R/ j1 ?4 b- a* K5 L
! y- G5 y$ Z* B. T
7.1.2 Infrastructure 0 C& ?+ `1 h& E& I+ j
The organization shall determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure necessary for its operations and to assure conformity of goods and services and customer satisfaction.
; v k0 Z0 W4 C* B' gNote Infrastructure can include, * f/ s- |4 E) O0 j7 V
a) buildings and associated utilities, R4 {" ~- m( w/ Z) {8 L% K
b) equipment including hardware and software, and
7 [3 {7 o" G; N" j/ h. F( \c) transportation, communication and information systems.* g8 O5 I6 `; X7 J. [) h e