楼主 |
发表于 11-22 13:15:01
. y0 X: g- E0 o) ]. Q一般企业弄个小气焊啥的哪里知道这玩意...但是做过大型钢构、工程焊接、压力容器焊接的就肯定知道是什么东西了4 W& B" S9 K- L2 B- N
, j1 y2 E: [5 G& A @! V! N) l. S9 z3 V
查US的资料对于氧压表的管理要求无非:: l* ^. n6 ?. T6 m; t2 h+ q
Care of Gauges
5 m l/ g* p2 H: j! PGauges should be given the care afforded to any precision instrument.
- {1 ^) I ?- c" D \(1) To avoid the possibility of an explosion, never permit oil to get into any oxygen apparatus.% I ^4 l8 f+ L9 g5 f$ z
(2) Never apply pressures to gauges suddenly. Open valves on cylinders slowly.! A% X% ~8 b: j! R' M
(3) Do not apply pressures to the full scale of the dial.
/ i E; I5 F8 L; `: j(4) Do not apply full tank pressures with the regulating screw on reducing valves which are screwed all5 O! q' B* x/ V, g) I
the way in. Increase the pressure on low-pressure gauges slowly.
$ I2 w0 f. c# [(5) When installing gauges to apparatus, do not attach a wrench on the pipe threads; use the square+ z2 C* G" W3 K' K: n1 ]! l/ R
above the pipe threads.4 H+ g$ S) @% l
(6) Handle gauges with care. The mechanism can be damaged or destroyed if they are bumped, jammed
& O3 L# l+ G$ t% z, c! Hor allowed to fall on the floor.' T. p3 @" `( g; B: Q4 ?5 L
(7) A gauge that is giving incorrect readings can be a hazard. Do not try to repair a defective gauge. Take it to an authorized gauge repair shop.9 L# n! ?, T& N% x: M+ A+ T
- C F# m% G- O! ^7 P; v# {& z
# N1 [0 s" J0 [ M5 Q当然,老美的东西不见得符合中国的国情,但是实际上我们国家的国标,大部分是抄过来的,大家心里也清楚...而且很多修改也不过是改得更低一点而已...
2 D" a9 Y) ~. `6 I& u" i, Q, U' N% U5 i
4 f. r5 s% y2 p2 I3 C
' r1 N4 }- p4 z, o2 w) T( j坏了的氧压表要么修、要么换/ Y3 l" Z% |- |0 \! s: ~
4 j/ b9 F" F0 x1 i8 w% D1 B( ~
' k$ D% |$ B3 F1 v4 P5 `4 Y
8 g0 l& i7 _0 G. \. ^9 x' ]$ T
- a$ _. l8 e0 d" g
" |+ x+ R& c2 F1 d z2 e4 V |