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Ordinarily we regard 9000 as a base for a organization must reach its requirement. 我们一般认为,达到9000要求是一个组织最起码的
. ]' Q. p( Y, L' j4 z, I% ]- PIt has been added 5000 as society progress. So14000 was appeared.
随着社会发展,又增加了5000,就出现了14000 After several years, another 4000 has been added. That is 18000. 又过了几年,又增加了4000,就是18000 This trend is unlimited, another 4000 has been raised to 22000, then another 5000 to 27000. 这个趋势无限度,又增加了4000.就是22000,再增加5000,成了27000 You may find it developed systematically like salary,as more as possible we hope to have. 你可发现这个像工资一样成规律地涨,我们希望越多越好 But 1000 has been cut down from 9000 as money.
7 H' U2 w! ?2 N2 i; ^8 h2 ~ 但从9000中扣除1000,像扣钱一样
Many people disagree with it,specially in the poor East. 许多人不同意,特别是东方人的穷人 So 8000 is admitted only in the West. 故8000只在西方得到承认 My questions are below: 我有以下问题 1./ f' m- M* B# e- q8 a: w/ i& r+ [
Which will be the following system? 下一个标准会是什么? 2.' m w5 Q) w# d* t8 b
Can you tell me these ISO systems in full name by English? 你能用英语写出这些标准的全名吗? |