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All ICTI certificate applicants should be aware of the following conditions in respect to the time limitations on factory audit, please make sure the below instructions were received and will be followed: 根据ICTI审核的具体规定,请贵公司留意并遵守以下关于审核时间安排的具体要求: 1.
% C9 l0 O7 k& R, T0 ^8 nEach applicant factory must complete the factory audit and got approved for confirmation seal by the TAB before expiration of the valid period which is twelve (12) months from the date of registration. 自登记之日起工厂申请的有效期为一年,工厂应在一年内完全符合并通过ICTI审核。 2.
! J/ j5 \0 v n3 w' H4 ^# G8 U% c% LEach factory is allowed to have a maximum of one full factory audit plus two follow-up audits within the same valid period. Otherwise, such factory would
2 a+ ^1 A/ {6 a- F2 T' r3 }automatically be rejected. 在申请的有效期内工厂有三次机会通过审核,包括初次审核,第一次跟进审核及第二次跟进审核。 3.
6 l4 @) }: A. c6 }The first factory audit should carry out within three months of registration date.First follow-up audits must be performed no later than six months of the first initial full factory audit. Any other subsequent follow-up audit must be done within four months from the very last audit date. 自登记之日起三个月内必须进行初次审核,第一次跟进审核必须在初次审核后六个月内进行,第二次跟进审核必须在前一次审核后四个月之内进行。 4., L+ E- n& ]0 Q% T- ?5 f3 T
Any factory got rejected and/or does not get recommended and approved for confirmation seal within the twelve month valid period would have their name removed from the applicant list . The name would need to be re-registered with ICTI as a new applicant no sooner than three months from the expiration of the original valid period. 如果工厂在一年的有效期内没有通过认证,工厂需要在第一次登记有效期结束后三个月之后再重新登记。 5./ l/ x U9 w5 z6 z6 I0 Y. u& h3 i( l
ICTI certificat is valid for one year. ! I: ?* L* z" o; o D4 s8 g
ICTI证书的有效期为一年,每年需要进行年度审核。 6.
6 _: o9 Y: Y$ p8 vUnannounced annual audit of factory should be taken place between 2 to 16 weeks before expiration of ICTI certificate. SGS公司会在证书到期前二到十六周内对工厂进行不预先通知的年审。 7.
0 d- [' i/ Y4 g+ D" A; z/ OAll annual audits should be completed and audit reports submitted to ICTI3 K+ f" u3 B) _
no later than two months from the expiration of date of the last certificate. 工厂应在证书有效期届满后两个月内通过年审并被重新推荐。 There is the standard requirement of time limitation of ICTI audit period, any extension period should granted by ICTI at the sole discretion of the TAB due to any unresolved issue(s) that may need longer time to complete the audit. 以上规定为ICTI的标准,任何不能按此时间进行的审核或延期申请需要得到ICTI的书面批准后才可以安排审核。8 l& }, H3 [) U! |/ g
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总部设在深圳,在上海、中山、潮州、青岛、成都、南充、宁波、西安、苏 州、长沙、沈阳、福州、台州、郑州等全国范围内设有十多家分支机构,最完 善的服务网络覆盖全国,有近百名各类资深专家正活跃在全国各地为不同客户 提供咨询、培训服务,是目前国内最为专业性咨询(顾问)机构之一。) I$ ?* z7 V+ a% j
5 R8 ?# f! O; w0 W! o. V5 b1 G
所经营项目: 一、体系认证咨询: ISO20000、ISO14001、ISO/TS16949、OHSAS18001、QC080000(ROHS)、ISO9001、FSC/COC 、HACCP(ISO22000)、QS、ISO27001、TL9000、ISO13485、BRC、WRC、FLA、SA8000、ICTI、WRAP、ETI、BSCI/AVE、C-TPAT、GMPC、GMP。
* E6 A0 a& @/ M% }$ {4 ?二、专题培训项目:
4 n2 ?6 X0 R) H+ S营销策划与培训、长期顾问服务、企业管理咨询、管理培训及职业技术职称资格考核培训。3 B* x- c, H' h* {2 B: v0 l% m" T
三、客户验厂咨询服务:3 d3 h4 G7 L" C0 t& ]
目前从事:Wal-Mart(沃尔玛)验厂、 Disney(迪斯尼) 验厂、AVON雅芳验厂、K-Mart&Sears(西尔斯)验厂、LI&FUNG(利丰)验厂、Mattel(美泰)验厂、COSTCO(好又多)验厂、TESCO验厂、Hasbro验厂、Target(塔吉特)验厂、LEVI’S(利惠)验厂、NIKE(耐克)验厂、GAP验厂、COCA-COLA(可口可乐)验厂、JCPenney(杰西潘尼)验厂、MACY’S验厂、 IKEA(宜家)验厂、FMG验厂、ITS验厂、CSCC验厂、SGS验厂、BV验厂、STR验厂、HKQAA验厂、等客户验厂的专业化咨询) 联系人:彭杜媚 联系电话:0755-89335156-607、15013714270 QQ:378914192 邮箱:Christina@cts1983.com 公司地址: 深圳布吉 百合银都D座26I |