; d' W1 E. r% u
- S1 C$ `" G3 q+ S0 R
# D" Q2 V# n$ ]- r& h% Z
3 ?! m8 r; m1 i; _: }7 NBreak down barriers between Departments. People in research, Design, sales and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.
打破部门间的障碍。研究、设计、销售及生产部门的人员应协力合作犹如一个团队,以预见产品与服务在生产与使用时可能遭遇的问题。4 M8 C, c2 d- R: E
鼓励研究、设计、销售及生产部门的人员跨部门合作,不断提供能满足顾客要求的 产品,服务顾客。
+ i5 k! v% m) R: h6 `
* j9 \) i) Q# E8 B+ j
+ ~0 z3 V: ?' q# C. a( ~
. ?$ l& g( `) t9 b; F
" X: {/ s/ l ]# H" XEconomists are leading us down the wrong path. They tell us that fierce competition is the solution. We worry about increasing market share and we try to kill off colleagues in the same industry, instead of making better products.经济学家将我们导向歧途,他们告诉我们激烈的竞争是解决之道。使我们忧心于增加市场占有率,试图铲除同业,却忽略了要创造更好的产品。
8 {6 |. g" ~' p3 {4 u! i以合作代替竞争,共同创造优质产品服务顾客,才是最佳致胜之道。
8 U8 H& h" V, I: LCompetition leads to lose, people pulling in opposite direction on a rope ,they go nowhere.
* K( H1 o0 n6 v$ I# a5 x3 ]竞争导致损失,人们凡事采拔河态度处理,徒耗体力而已,他们将一事无成。- q! q0 `- L# C r% y0 b
# C+ y7 K$ v# F" G6 V% N! c2 B( @+ [. v% |3 {$ P( B
2 n" Z, b4 ~7 S! t, ?, l& P& M: t. ^. g' E- Z" B
, U6 ]1 s8 c. `The customer is the most important part of the production line. Without him, there is no production line. Improvement of quality envelops the entire production line, from incoming materials to the customer, and redesign of the product and service for the future.* R* M7 j1 d# E0 D0 S5 H. W
顾客是生产在线最重要的一部份;没有他们,就没有生产线。质量的改进涵盖整个生产线:从进料、到交货给顾客,以及为未来产品与服务的再设计。 生产、服务的一切作为,均应以顾客导向,戴明用以表示从进料到顾客之间的著名的整体生产系统流程图,就作了最佳的说明。- a' t6 ^, e3 D [- ?' }* x2 a" j
Price has no meaning except in terms of the quality of the product. But that is not enough. Good and uniform quality have no meaning except with reference to the customer’s needs.
6 p) J/ F- w' ~除非是以产品质量的角度来衡量,价格才具意义。但这样还不够,除非能够与顾客的需求挂钩,优良与均一的质量才具 意义。
7 Q6 g% X. r4 [) q凡事均应以顾客为重,应从顾客观点,制造产品与定价。他指出:界定质量难在将使用者的未来需要转换为可量测的特性,依此从事产品设计,再产生顾客愿意付的价格 。
{) p! C! C5 W5 k1 l; S) V$ i9 H. p# ^% Y: {2 {# \6 v
/ u) o& X$ l. D- K7 I6 ~" w
% ~" ]7 k. h- s3 a4 g! GI find a general fear of education. People are afraid to take a course. It might not be the right one. My advice is take it. Find the right one later. . . .You never know what could be used, what could be needed. He that thinks he has to be practical is not going to be here very long. Who knows what is practical? Help people to improve. I mean everybody.
; ?5 o& F" p' g$ j我发现一般人对教育的恐惧;人们害怕选课,因为可能选得不对,我的忠告是先选它,其后再找出何者是适切的。你不会知道什么可能用得上,或可能会需要什么。一心想着必须务实的人不会做得长久,谁晓得什么叫做务实?协助人们从事改进,我是指每个人。
4 e( v" ~% Y& \5 V接受教育,充实智能,从事改进,才是务实之道,戴明指出:要取得竞争地位的优势,就必须扎根于知识...每个人都有责任重建西方工业,我们也都需要新的教育,管理者更必须重新学起。
D" h" q; H6 Q
$ Y! }0 Y: U9 l* C' a; ]8 h( E* j6 ^5 t0 u$ n