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【画中有话】从鼓角铮鸣到万“码”奔腾——编码与汉字信息传递标准化(上) 2014-11-25 [url=]上海市质量和标准化研究院[/url] ( @0 S/ p6 B3 |+ x! d3 `* g* W
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从甲、金、篆、隶发展到楷书,再到信息时代的计算机中文字符,汉字伴随着中华文明而生、而盛。除了以纸为媒、手书印刷等传统记录传播方式外,中华民族也借助推进汉字字形的标准化,探索出以文字为内容、以编码为载体的汉字信息传递方式。 From oracle; inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; the lesser seal character; official script; regular script to Chinese characters in computer, Chinese characters have witnessed Chinese civilization development. Besides paper media, with the concept of standardization, Chinese people have developed encoding methods of Chinese characters for information transmission. 狼烟旌旗、鼓角铮鸣,这些词语惯常被用以指代沙场征战,它们既是千百年来军队交换情报、传递命令的常用方法,也是古人利用编码技术传递信息的最初萌芽。尽管中国古代兵家曾为这些通信手段制定了使用标准,但借此传递的信息却始终无法逾越人类的视听范围。 Beacon tower and horns were the general methods for information exchange in ancient battle field, which was the origin of encoding technology for information transmission. Even though ancient Chinese developed standards for the communication, the communication could not go beyond the limitation of seeing and hearing. 直到1925年,随着电报码在近代的引入和使用,上海人王云五在其基础上开发出具有检字功能的四角编码,最原始的汉字编码诞生了。虽然这种编码因为重码较多而无法作为计算机的输入编码,但它给人们的启示却有着划时代意义——利用汉字的某些特征加上有序符号,可以使汉字具备有序性、实现有理化,形成了汉字信息技术处理的雏形。电报码和四角号码也成为当时中国社会用字数字化和标准化的两大成就。 In 1925, with the introduction telegraph code in China, Shanghainese Wang Yunwu developed "four corner number code", which was the origin of Chinese character encoding method. Although the code was not suitable for computer input because of coincident code it inspired the concept, that is to say, we can encoding Chinese characters according to character pattern and font, which was the origin of modern information processing of Chinese characters. Telegraph code and four corner number code were the two achievements in Chinese standardization and digitization at that time.
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