此外,中国文人还将对人的伦理评判模式移植到书法上,以儒家思想为指导,强调心正笔正,指出用笔的六大忌讳:太肥太瘦、多露锋芒、深藏圭角、上大下小、左高右低、前多后少,并要求书者严格遵守礼的规范……这也逐渐演化成为中华民族品评文字与人生的无形标准。 Furthermore, Chinese literatus integrated Confucian ethical standards into calligraphy and emphasized the combination of pure thoughts and exquisite skills. They listed six taboos: too fat or too thin; too many sharp points; vague angles; larger above and smaller below; higher on the left and lower on the right; more on the front and less on the back. These rules were also the etiquette of Chinese calligraphy ,which has become the moral standards of Chinese people. 诚如林语堂先生所指出,通过书法,中华民族形成了自己独特的书法审美情趣,如线条上的刚劲、流畅、蕴蓄、精微,形式上的和谐、匀称、对比、平衡。书法艺术给美学鉴赏提供了一整套术语,奠定了中华民族美学观念的基础。 As Mr Lin Yutang (Chinese famous writer)said, Chinese nation developed a unique aesthetic concept for calligraphy that is strength, smooth, implicitness and subtleties in strokes; and harmony, symmetry and balance in structures. The art of Chinese calligraphy has developed a system of aesthetic terminology for aesthetic appreciation, which lays a solid foundation for Chinese nation's aesthetic concept. , K$ Q0 X, s7 F2 I# o, q