yuanye318 发表于 2-28 15:02:43

ISO-TC176 SC2 工作组关于《外包过程的指南》介绍

最新质量管理文件《“外包过程”指南》介绍国际标准化组织质量管理与质量保证标准化技术委员会(ISO/TC176)为确保全世界各个国家正确理解ISO9000族标准的概念和内涵,提高各国的ISO9001质量管理体系认证工作质量和认证效果,伴随ISO9000族标准发布的同时,陆续发布了一些指南性文件,如《ISO9001:2000中1.2条款“应用”的指南》、《ISO9001:2000文件要求指南》、《质量管理体系的过程方法指南》等,最近又发布了《“外包过程”指南》。以下简要介绍该指南的主要内容。ISO9001:2000条款4.1的内容是:“针对任何影响产品符合要求的外包过程,应确保对其实施控制。对此类外包过程的控制应在质量管理体系中加以识别。”ISO/TC176 于2003年11月24日发布的“外包过程”指南就是针对此条款中涉及外包过程的控制提供指导的。《“外包过程”指南》对外包过程的具体控制要求如下:1. 外包过程的实施通常要満足ISO9001:2000条款7.4(采购)和条款4.1(总要求)的要求。在某些情况下,从传统意识上讲,机构可能没有“采购”外包过程。如机构可能获得公司总部的或企业集团中另一分部的服务,而没有发生货币方面的交易。但在这种情况下,ISO9001:2000条款7.4和4.1仍然适用。2.当确定对外包过程的控制程度时,需要考虑两种情况:a) 当机构有能力且能够实施某过程,但却选择将此过程外包(处于商业上的或其他原因)时,应事先明确过程控制准则,且必要时能转换成对外包过程的供方的要求。b) 当机构本身没有能力实施某过程而选择将其外包时,机构必须确保对外包过程的供方实施了足够的控制。有些情况下可能有必要请外部专家参与评价。3. 方便时,有时可能是必须的,在机构与供方之间的合同中规定用于控制外包过程的某些或所有方法。但应注意不要阻碍供方对外包过程实施革新。4. 在有些情况下,可能不能通过随后的监视或测量来验证外包过程的输出。这时机构需要确保对外包过程的控制,并按照ISO9001:2000条款7.5.2进行过程确认。
ISO/TC176 SC2 外包过程指南(译文)1)Introduction
绪论The aim of this document is to provide guidance on the intent of ISO 9001:2000 clause 4.1, regarding the control of outsourced processes.
ISO 9001:2000 clause 4.1 states:
“Where an organization chooses to outsource any process that affects product conformity with requirements, the organization shall ensure control over such processes.Control of such outsourced processes shall be identified within the quality management system.”
ISO9001:2000 4.1条款规定:
针对组织所选择的任何影响产品符合要求的外包过程,组织应确保控制这些过程,对这些外包过程的控制应在质量管理体系中进行识别。2) Guidance
2.1) What is an “outsourced process”?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the verb “outsource” as “to obtain….. by contract from a source outside the organization or area; to contract (work) out” "根据《牛津英语词典》的定义,“外包”这个动词是指“通过签订合同,从某个来源的组织或区域获得将(工作)承包出去”。
Within the context of ISO 9001:2000 an “outsourced process” is a process that the organization has identified as being needed for its quality management system, but one which it has chosen to be carried out by an external party.
ISO9001:2000条文里的“outsourced process”是一个被组织识别为他的质量管理体系中所必要的过程,只是选择由外部机构来完成。Note: ISO 9000:2000 clause 3.4.1 defines “process” as “set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs”.
注:ISO9000:2000 3.4.1条款定义“过程”为“把输入转化为输出的一组相互关系和相互作用的活动”。An outsourced process can be performed by a supplier that is totally independent from the organization, or which is part of the same parent organization (e.g. a separate department or division that is not subject to the same quality management system). It may be provided within the physical premises or work environment of the organization, at an independent site, or in some other manner.
一个外包过程可以被一个更确切的说是相对组织来说完全独立的供应商来履行,或相同母组织的其他部分(例如:单独的部门或子公司,换句话说就没有不执行同一个质量体系)。它的提供场所可以是组织的实物场所或者某个工作环境,例如某个独立的处所或者任何其他方式。2.2) Intent of Clause 4.1
条款4.1的目的The intent of Clause 4.1 of ISO 9001:2000 is to emphasize that when an organization chooses to outsource (either permanently or temporarily) a process that affects product conformity with requirements (see ISO 9001:2000 clause 7.2.1), it can not simply ignore this process, nor exclude it from the quality management system.
The organization has to demonstrate that it exercises sufficient control to ensure that this process is performed according to the relevant requirements of ISO 9001:2000, and any other requirements of the organization’s quality management system. The nature of this control will depend, among other things, on the importance of the outsourced process, the risk involved, and the competence of the supplier to meet the process requirements.
Outsourced processes will interact with other processes from the organization's quality management system (these other processes may be carried out by the organization itself, or may themselves be outsourced processes). These interactions also need to be managed (see ISO 9001:2000 clause 4.1 (a) and (b)).
外包过程要与组织质量管理体系的其它过程相符合(这里的其它过程可以被组织自行完成或者是外包过程),它们的相互作用也一样被管理。(见ISO9001:2000 条款4.1(a)和(b)。2.3 Control of outsourced processes
外包过程的控制2.3.1) The acquisition of outsourced processes will normally be subject to the requirements of both ISO 9001:2000 clause 7.4 (Purchasing) and clause 4.1 (General Requirements)
外包过程的获得通常将会是即受ISO9001:2000条款7.4(采购)也受条款4.1(总要求)的支配。NOTE: In some situations, the organization might not “purchase” the outsourced process in the traditional sense. As mentioned in 2.1 it might, for example, receive the service from a corporate head office or from another division within a group of organizations, without any monetary transaction taking place. Under these circumstances, however, ISO 9001:2000 Clauses 7.4 and 4.1 are still applicable.

2.3.2) There are two situations that frequently need to be considered when deciding the appropriate level of control of an outsourced process:
以下两种情况需要经常地考虑决定外包过程的恰当的控制等级a) When an organization has the competence and ability to carry out a process, but chooses to outsource that process (for commercial or other reasons). In this situation the process control criteria should already have been defined, and can be transposed into requirements for the supplier of the outsourced process, if necessary. 当一个组织有能力和力量进行一个过程,但选择外包这个过程(出于商业或其它考虑)
在这种情况下,过程控制标准应该已经被定义,在必要的时候可以转换成对供方外包过程的要求。b) When the organization does not have the competence to carry out the process itself, and chooses to outsource it.In this situation the organization has to ensure that the controls proposed by the supplier of the outsourced process are adequate. In some cases it may be necessary to involve external specialists in making this evaluation.
在这种情况下,组织应当确保供方的过程控制的建议是足够的。在有些必要情形下可能有必要让外部专家进行评估。2.3.3) It may be convenient, or even necessary, to define some or all of the methods to be used for control of the outsourced processes in a contract between the organization and the supplier.Care should be taken, however, not to inhibit the supplier from proposing innovations to the outsourced process.
在组织和供应商的合同中去定义一些或者全部的方法用来控制外包过程是比较方便,甚至是必须的。应注意,不管怎样,都不要遏制供应商对于改善外包过程的计划。2.3.4) In some situations it might not be possible to verify the output from the outsourced process by subsequent monitoring or measurement. In these cases, the organization needs to ensure that the control over the outsourced process includes process validation in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 clause 7.5.2.

zhangshuzai 发表于 3-2 22:05:39


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