Recently I'm involved in another kind of safety management system,that is, one implemented in power grid.Does anyone here know it?If you only know Ohs18001 and ignore other ralated system, you may be a frog in the well in Chinese phrase.In this world, there are several management systems focused on safety, and ohs18001 is one of them. In some industries such as mine, and some countries,South Africa, US, Australia, New Zealand, they have other systems, but not ohs18001. This is one of reasons which caused the latter is not admitted internationally.Shallowness is its chief shortcoming.
Can you translate this for everybody?
咱18001都没有学好呢 rml 发表于 2011-12-6 08:39 static/image/common/back.gif
电力行业的安全系统了 ...
实际的情况的确如此,政策如此,先让一部分人富起来,只好牺牲广大人民的安全利益了。这种现状恐怕短时间内难有改变。 还是需要实践经验才行 不是体系框架问题,是体系对企业的适宜性出了问题,有效性更有问题。
都是“两张皮”惹得祸 新版18001要求不同于旧版,真正了解掌握危险源辨识、风险评价和控制措施的确定内容的审核员不多。