Making inner improvement is one of reasons for ISO certification. But in most organizations, ISO certification brings only burden. Top management decide how tomanage, but they don't do so according to ISO systems. It seems like market and customers can make them changed. 如果认真按标准要求做,是可以推进内部管理的;如果纯粹为拿证,拿证后照旧只会浪费人、财、物和精力。 是有助于组织内部改进的 每次监督审核完审核人员都会提出一些很好的建议 虽然仅仅是负责体系的人员意识到其重要性 但对组织有益处 我们会督促相关部门去改的 同意楼上的意见。 作用肯定是有的,只是大小问题。从消极一点说:即使企业为了拿证、保证做了很多虚而不实的文件、记录等工作,但从不会到会作假也是一种进步,继而在外力(国家政策)才能逐步做实,所谓螺旋上升吧。哈哈 做这种投票没有实际的意义。能不能推动组织的内部改进,要看企业有没有这个需求。 ithink the key point is boss thinking,how to do. if he focus,the others too. iso9000 is only one oftools of quality management that you may choice leolichun 发表于 2011-6-11 05:24 static/image/common/back.gifithink the key point is boss thinking,how to do. if he focus,the others too.
把一切都归结为老板的重视是不对的,对于对企业有用的东西,老板是不会不重视的。 For a student if he fails to learn knowledges from school, the tuition wiuld be aburden or cost for his family. On the contrary it should be an investment.
Whatever it is wrong and no use to complain about school.