emeipengxu 发表于 4-26 12:09:43


Consultants deal with different organizations. Recently, I work for a state-owned corporation in south-west of China. It behaves like a government. Its requirement on document is very high, for these management systems will be delivered to all subordinate units in the province. We have to study each sentence and each word, even sign included. Each documentd must be composed according to related state system with process chart attached. This differs greatly from I consulted other organizaions who only want a ISO certification. The latter looks like a snack. Everyone doesn’t take it seriously. It costs little time. But until now, we have spent several months here and are tired of it really.

dmsg2001 发表于 4-26 13:36:01


古绛新人 发表于 4-26 14:32:10

哈哈,你这样的审核老师真是老先生了,The audit 职责是?????

Cuddlydog 发表于 6-10 00:03:09

It isa challenge to provide consultance for state-owned frims.

canon75 发表于 6-10 09:13:02

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