wxsunhao 发表于 9-21 14:35:53

3分钟阅读与思考 | 安全培训能走多远?(双语)

3分钟阅读与思考 | 安全培训能走多远?(双语)
原创 2016-09-20 李俊


HowFar Can Safety Training Go? (Part 1)安全培训可以走多远?(一) By: Li Jun 文:李俊


Safety training has always been thought as one of the critical parts of safety management. The generic purpose of it is to lift up people's safety knowledge, safety awareness, and most importantly, to bring up safe behaviors after the training.      安全培训一直以来,都被视为是安全管理中至关重要的组成部分之一。其通常的目的是为了增加人员的安全知识,提升其安全意识,最重要的,是期许培训之后能带来安全的行为表现。
However, there's usually a gap between what people know and what people do. Human being is such a situational species that they tend to react flexibly to different situations and scenarios. And here comes the challenge for safety management, as we normally expect people to consistently follow what the safety policies and procedures require. But people are not equipments. They have their own thoughts, judgments, and emotions. We can not code them to do things precisely and repeatedly like computerized machines. After all, they usually pick the way that they believe is the best or easiest.      然而,在人们的所知和所为之间常常会出现一段空隙。人类是这样一个善变以适应不同环境的物种,面临不同的状况和场景,人们总是趋向于随机应变、灵活处理。而这也给安全管理带来了挑战,因为我们期待员工能够始终如一、一尘不变地遵守安全政策以及规程的要求。怎奈人不是机器设备,他们有自己的想法、判断和情绪,而我们无法像使用数控机床那样对他们进行指令编译,以使他们准确、重复地工作。人们往往会选择他们认为最好或最简便的方式行动。The traditional A-B-C model of behavior modification is not so effective sometimes, eg. when the A is not so attractive, or the C is not always realized (i.e. not caught up or no actual accident/injury happened).
      传统的A-B-C(诱因-行为-后果)行为修正模型有时并不奏效,比如:当诱因不够吸引人,或者所谓的后果并不总是实现(如,未被抓到处分;或未发生实际的事故伤害)。So, is safety training one of the solutions to meet this challenge? What would be the best way to do it? and how far can it go?      那么,安全培训是应对这些挑战的解决方案之一吗?怎么做才是最好的方式?而它又可以走多远呢?——END——

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